
Saturday, December 1, 2012

When we as a class were first told we would have to blog about Dante once every fortnight, the assurance was "It won't be hard to think of material at all!  Dante comes up all the time in everyday life!"  Well, something like that anyway.  At the time I was dubious, and to be honest every other Friday, (or sometimes Saturday) I find myself searching my brain, the web and my friends for random Dante references that we havn't discussed in class or recitation.  This week I found myself doing this once again, for a full 24 hours this time (hence why this is a day late).  I stumbled upon one thing or another but either it was a tenuous connection at best or it simply wasn't something I wanted to write about.  

Anyway, this morning I found myself watching Beauty and the Beast as I ate my coco puffs and  searched the web for a topic, and suddenly an I found myself with an idea.  Finally something had come to me, with the suddenness of a light turning on, the way I remember being assured would happen.  I had already eliminated the idea of proposing that sugarless cereal be the punishment for the gluttons... (obviously a good idea, but seemed like it would be a short post.) Although now that I'm looking at the sun over the "O" I'm realizing that maybe those cornflakes really are God's will.

But back to the idea I got.  My roommate and I were watching the most amazing scene in all of movie history. If you didn't automatically think of the beautiful library, shame on you.  And we were talking about the changes the new addition have to it.  Primarily that the book they bond over, was changed from Camelot, to Romeo and Juliet.  

I had a eureka moment.  Back story: My friends and I have a habit of pointing out references to other movies, books, fairy tales or musicals when we watch movies.  Back to the narrative: I was explaining to my roommate how that scene was a possible reference to Dante, how Francesca and her lover were induced into love and the second circle due to Galeotto.  AKA Camelot.

Eureka!  The original book in Beauty and the Beast (that Belle teaches the Beast how to read) was Camelot.  Disney is so much more interesting than I ever imagined.  I want to have been the animator who thought to slip Camelot into the movie as a Galeotto.  And I really don't want to be the animator who when rewriting the movie was too stupid to catch the reference.  Well maybe stupid is too harsh, after all, those of us who do get the reference are really just incredibly intelligent and with it.  It's a special club that you dear reader are now a part of. (If you weren't before.) So we'll go with ignorant. 

   Thank you Disney.  I like when you utilize intelligent people for the creation of Children's movies.  If I ever decide to contribute to the population of the Earth, I will trust them to some of your movies.  

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